I’m Fat

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Image via Wikipedia

I’m not being hard on myself when I say, “I’m fat”. I’m just acknowledging reality. I need to lose 100 pounds to be the skinnier me I prefer. It’s a struggle. But, I don’t give up. In the meantime, I do my best to make fat look awesome!

Calorie Counting – Been there, done that. Too much of a pain to keep track. Even if I do keep track, then I’m constantly hungry because I’ve reached the limit for each meal. Being constantly hungry makes me grumpy. I don’t like being grumpy.

Adkins – Been there, done that too. It’s a little pricier buying so much meat. But, I enjoy meat so much that this was somewhat of a success,… until it wasn’t. I lost 30 lbs immediately and then plateued for months. Then I got bored since I didn’t have any further progress with it. I did like, however, that it opened up my understanding that eating healthier had to be a lifestyle choice and not a “diet”.

The Plate – Tried this too. Unfortunately, it was too close to the Holidays when I tried it. So, it didn’t last long. I should try sticking to the plate again, right after the brownie.

Exercise – This should be done (if doctor approved) with any kind of healthier eating plan. But, I’m just to busy. If I’m not busy, I am unable to afford a gym membership or a discounted membership to the local YMCA. I’m not against exercising. In fact, I enjoy it. It’s just that buying equipment for the home or signing up for a membership somewhere is not in my budget (feeding the kids and doing house repairs are barely there). I am thinking of getting a bicycle,… just as soon as winter’s over. Wait,… Fall only just started! All the same,… I’m keeping an eye out at Yard Sales.